
♣️ Gist Uploader

A quick way to upload your Gists (Public/Private).

In order to use this , first you need to generate a access token of your github account with at least permission for creating a gist.

Following are some steps to generate your access token.

  1. Under Github > Settings Click on Developer Settings.
  2. Now, Click on Personal access tokens.
  3. Click on Generate a new token button.
  4. Now you can see there are multiple scopes available for the token.
  5. Now check on gist.
  6. Click on Generate token.

Now goto https://gist-uploader.herokuapp.com/ , and paste your access token and click on login button, after that you will be able to see a form, you can write down info to create gists (Public/Private) in your account quickly.

📖 Docs

Here's the link for the code documentation if you are interested. https://amirsaeed671.github.io/gist-uploader/

✨ Contributors

Amir Ali
Amir Ali

💻 📖 ⚠️

🔖 License